what we do


Building Energy Assessment

Commissioning activities can identify existing system deficiencies that can greatly reduce energy consumption and operating costs. In addition, commissioning can identify areas where new energy efficient technologies can be applied to further reduce energy consumption. Commissioning can also provide verification that the energy efficiency measures specified in the energy assessment have been properly implemented and are performing as expected. Commissioning also provides an independent review of the systems and helps minimize conflicts between the design engineer, the contractor, and the owner.


A rigorous Re-Commissioning process evaluates the mechanical process and it's impact on energy through a pipeline of interrelated systems. Often applied to legacy mechanical systems, to correct operational problems, integrate new equipment or control programming, and enhance energy efficiency. Retro-Commissioning (RCx) is a systematic process that identifies, documents, and corrects operational and energy efficiency problems in existing buildings and systems. RCx services involve an analysis of existing conditions, operational and maintenance practices, and system performance. The process includes testing and verification to ensure that the systems are operating as efficiently as possible. RCx also includes the implementation of measures to improve system performance and reduce energy consumption. The goal of RCx is to identify and resolve problems that are impacting system performance and energy efficiency, while ensuring occupant comfort and quality.

Custom tailored energy solutions

Energy Solutions can also provide benchmarking analysis to compare the energy performance of a facility to similar facilities. This helps to identify areas where improvements can be made to reduce energy use and cost. The trending analysis can also be used to identify opportunities to improve the energy efficiency of equipment through better maintenance and more efficient operation.

System optimization

System Optimization can help you mitigate future problems by improving the performance of your system. It can help you improve the speed and efficiency of your system, reduce errors and improve the stability of your system. It can also help you increase the security of your system by detecting and fixing any vulnerabilities. Additionally, it can help you save time and money by optimizing system resources and reducing unnecessary costs. Ultimately, System Optimization can help you stay ahead of the curve and ensure that your system continues to run smoothly and efficiently.